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Are you Eating Cancer-Causing Glyphosate in Your Diet?
Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide, meaning it will kill most plants. It works by inhibiting the action of a plant enzyme, the shikimic acid...
Soil Degradation and Human Demise
Water is found in natural bodies of water, but where do you get food from? Soil is required for plants, animals require plants, and as humans, we...
Men Talk: The Decline of Serum Testosterone Levels
Stress can raise your cortisol, a hormone that can lower your testosterone if left elevated. You need to do what you can to lower your stress. This...
Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Ukraine is the second-largest country in Europe after Russia. Ukraine also shares boulders with Poland, Slovakia, Hungry, Romania, and Moldova....
Kidney Disease: What You Should Know
EP 90: Kidney Disease: What You Should Know You may not feel your kidneys right now, but it is one of the most hard-working organs in the body. And...
How Dental Health Affects Overall Health
When it comes to dental health, many people don’t know that it provides valuable information on someone’s overall health.
Cannabis as a Treatment For COVID-19?
What are the implications of this plant today in the modern world of medicine? Can it help in treating Covid?
Heart Health – #1 Killer in America
A person dies every 36 seconds of heart disease in the United States. That said, you must know how to take care of your heart’s health.
Setting & Measuring Your Goals
This is going to be a scientific guide to setting and achieving goals, inspired by the author James Clear of Atomic Habits.
The Science of Blood – Nurse Edition
We are going to talk about Blood. Specifically what it is made up of, different types, how to administer it, and what to watch out for.
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