EP. 172: 5 Skills for Better Nursing Communication

5 Skills for Better Nursing Communication

Better nursing communication is essential in patient care, but it is also as important when communicating with colleagues and other healthcare professionals.

What makes an effective way of communication? And what can you improve to be better at communicating? Here are five skills that you must learn. 

Better Nursing Communication is a Must

Communication with friends, family, and coworkers is crucial for success. It gets your message across to others and allows you to understand what others need and want.

Without proper communication, personal progression is impossible. It’s just as necessary for the speaker to get the message across as it is for the listener to understand. 

1. Non-Verbal Communication

Communication begins with nonverbal cues. How often have you looked at someone and known they were open to a conversation, or even that time someone seemed that they didn’t want to be bothered. The nonverbal cues are the first things we notice. 

Nonverbal communication is used throughout a conversation; think about:

  • Eye contact
  • Tone
  • Posture
  • Body language
  • Facial expression 


2. Active Listening

Listen to understand, not just to respond. Really think about that because often, when someone is talking, we are already thinking of a way to respond. This leads to missing the whole picture or the other person not feeling understood.

It’s good to repeat a portion of what the person is saying to ensure that the intent is clear and that there are no misunderstandings.

Not everyone is coming to you for a solution sometimes. People just want to be heard and understood, not told what to do in response. 

3. Inspire Trust

Keep your word. Don’t make promises you can’t keep, no matter how small. People tend to remember you for your best actions and for how you didn’t follow through with what you said. 

Be honest; don’t say you can if you can’t do something.

An excellent way to build honest trust is to be open with your flaws. Share your mistakes and show your vulnerability. We are all human.

This is important when speaking with management. You might not see them every day, but it is essential not to sugarcoat things and really talk about how you feel about the unit environment.

4. Cultural awareness makes better nursing communication 

People come from all walks of life, even your coworkers and managers. Don’t judge them on what they do. Don’t be ignorant, be open. Instead of judging, ask to learn about the things you don’t understand. 

5. Verbal Communication 

Verbal communication is the most important. It’s the primary way we get our message across. 

Know what you are going to say and why. Is it going to be a serious conversation with a manager, or are you just catching up with a friend? 

The most important thing to remember is to just talk to people. Talk to your coworkers and make them more than just a body to help you with turns. Share with them things about you and your stories, and ask them questions.

Do you want to learn how to communicate better as a nurse? Click on the full episode here 👇


00:00 Intro
01:12 Episode Introduction
02:43 I. Non-Verbal Communication
07:13 II. Active Listening
12:37 III. Inspire Trust
16:51 IV. Cultural Awareness
27:03 V. Verbal Communication
33:49 Wrapping up the episode

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