EP 175: What is a Rapid Response Nurse With Sarah Lorenzini

What is a Rapid Response Nurse With Sarah Lorenzini

When it comes to emergency response, a rapid response nurse must face it with complete confidence. However, not all nurses are as assertive and confident in emergency situations.

It usually happens to new nurses or nurses who are just starting their careers and are not entirely used to emergencies.

Some nurses can handle the stress, while some may panic or avoid these situations. How can nurses respond to crises with ease and confidence?

Can this be learned? How can we empower nurses to handle emergencies?

In this episode, we introduce you to our guest, Sarah Lorenzini. Sarah is a Rapid Response Nurse, educator, and podcast host who teaches nurses how to respond to emergencies.

She is passionate about empowering nurses with confidence and competence to advocate for their patients.


The questions below are some we’d like to tackle. We go off-topic, so we don’t expect to hit them all. If you have any ideas, please let us know. Looking forward to our conversation!

  1. Sarah, can you give a little background about yourself?
  • What is your nursing experience?
  • How did you get into Rapid Response?
  • What does a rapid response nurse do?

2. Your day-to-day process for responding to emergencies.

  • How important are team dynamics during an emergency and nonemergencies?

3. Over the years of traveling, we’ve noticed that units with close nurses perform better as a team during admissions, troubleshooting, and emergencies. 

4. What is something you believe every nurse should know when it comes to emergencies? 

  • Are some universal steps to use during an emergency or in preparation? Ex; ABCs, looking at detailed notes at the beginning of the shift.

5. Where do you think the biggest flaws are regarding rapid responses and codes? 

  • What do you think needs to change or focus on? For example, quicker identification of a deteriorating patient, access to supplies, lack of education on the first steps of action, poor communication…

6. The smartest nurse can struggle in an emergency; how does the body react to a stressful situation, and how can we harness our SNS to help us?

7. Intuition is something that builds over time, but it’s just like confidence. A lot of time, we doubt ourselves. How can nurses use that intuition?

  • The one we always go it is talking about what you think, almost like getting a second opinion from the nurse. Something simple as saying, “I’ve had this patient for the last 3 nights, and his belly looks bigger. Can you take a look and see if it looks distended and feels hard? Do you think he might have an obstruction? 

8. Rapid Response and Rescue course? 

  • What made you make it?
  • What is it about?


Before we end the show, we have one last question we like to ask all our guests.

If you had the opportunity to have a Cup of coffee with anybody one last time, who would it be & why? 


Podcast: Rapid Response RN

IG: @TheRapidResponseRN

Website: www.rapidresponseandrescue.com

New Course: Rapid Response and Rescue

Do you want to be the best Rapid Response Nurse? Learn all about it in this full episode; click here 👇


00:00 Introduction
01:47 About the Guest
04:55 Qualities of a Rapid Response Nurse
07:34 ER vs. ICU
10:34 What does a Rapid Response Nurse shift look like?
14:56 What nurses should do and know when having a patient
20:50 The dynamics of taking care of the patient
23:12 What does a Rapid Response Team compose of?
26:54 What nurses should know before calling the rapid team
31:42 How to overcome stress and panic in an emergency
41:20 How to be confident and How to help build confidence in others
48:40 Magnet-status hospitals
50:07 Course for Rapid Response
54:16 Wrapping up the episode


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