Habits of Positive People

Habits of Positive People

Happiness is defined by the person experiencing it. Two individuals with the same circumstances can either be positive or negative about the situation. Your attitude towards life experiences is crucial to develop healthy habits which project happiness. In this blog post, I will identify patterns of positive people. It’s not a superpower. It’s a mindset.

What are the habits of positive people?

Happy Morning

Wake up every morning with the mindset that something great is possible today. Life is full of positive experiences; learn to notice them. Your mind is a window through which you see the world. The way you gear your mind in viewing the world is the way life will project itself into your perspective. Wake up with gratitude and be open-minded to what life has to offer. The way to make it a happy day is to think, feel, act, give, and serve as if you’re the most fortunate person.


Do it! Always find a reason to smile. Smiling people are known to be more attractive, sincere, and reliable. Smiling is self-healing energy. The way our brain is wired, smiling will make you feel rewarded with “feel-good chemicals in your brain.”  I’m not saying smiling will add years to your life, but it will add life to those years. Developing the habit of smiling will help strengthen the superpower of positivity. The world is just a better place when you smile. 

Spend time with the right people

Positivity is contagious. Surround yourself with people who build confidence, make you smile, and stimulate creativity. Life is too precious to waste time with people who don’t treat you with respect. Negativity is also contagious; spending enough time with those individuals will bring you down. Working in the hospital setting made me realize contagious energy. Being around the sick and people who have so much negative energy, it rubs off on me. I have my ways of coping but the bottom line is, stop surrounding yourself with people like that.

“The only way to get better is to surround yourself with people who believe in you.”

Live the truth

Being true to yourself seems self-explanatory. In reality, without noticing, we change our authentic selves to fit in without even realizing it. We act differently in front of our clients than with close friends. In the most positive individuals, you find self-awareness and the aim to be true, not to impress. Being authentic means having integrity, and that is always doing the right thing. It’s not about expressing yourself without a filter but more about being confident in what those opinions are.

“Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it.” – Hardy D. Jackson

Appreciate life’s moments

You’ve got plenty of reasons to look up and say “Thank You.” Your life isn’t perfect, but what life does have is its perfect moments. If you’re not noticing these moments, you need to slow down. Take a pause for a moment while sitting/standing and have that “awe” moment. You’re alive! All we really have is now. Make the current moment your primary focus.

“We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.” ― Bill Watterson

Become addicted to self-improvement

Are you someone that likes to grow? Do you consistently seek to improve yourself and become better? I’m very passionate about personal development, and I believe it is the key to going past your limits. It doesn’t have to be January 1st to make the most out of self-improvement. Every day is a new day, a new day to learn, grow, move away from regret, and develop your strength. The human potential is limitless; it’s impossible to reach a point of no growth, so stop limiting yourself with negative thoughts.

Every day has the potential for growth, reinventing yourself, and fine-tuning based on experiences. It’s not too late. It is never too late to change things that aren’t working out and switch gears. Stop living in the past or worry about the present. Using today efficiently will help you forge a more positive tomorrow.

“Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.”  ― Albert Einstein

Closing Thoughts

What would happen if you approached each day willfully, with a positive mindset? What would happen if you surround yourself with positive people who motivate you? Conceptualize if you tackled life’s tough challenges with a smile. Being a positive individual is not a superpower. It’s a mindset. Take action today to develop habits to help you focus on what truly matters, becoming the better version of yourself.

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