EP 183: How to Optimize Your Body with Aidan Muir

EP 183: How to Optimize Your Body with Aidan Muir

How to Optimize Your Body with Aidan Muir

Optimize your body through nutrition and you will live longer and healthier. Our bodies are naturally amazing; we heal even if we experience trauma, injuries, or wounds.

We can go through some of the most grueling physical activities and can still recover within a few days. But to achieve all that, it would be best to take care of our bodies the best way we can. 

Athletes, in particular, are almost superhuman. They go through intense physical training and stress and experience brutal injuries.

But how do they stay healthy?

Are their bodies different from ours? Do they recover differently than us? 

Nurses also experience stress and physical exhaustion. We may not be athletes, but our bodies also go through all stress and trauma. Nutrition plays a big role in keeping up with our work.

It is why it is essential for us to stay fit and eat healthily.

Our Guest

In this episode, we would like to introduce you to Aiden Muir. Aidan is a dietitian with a role split relatively evenly between seeing clients and creating content.

He has a broad range of areas of interest, but he mainly sees clients in sports nutrition (particularly strength athletes), weight loss, and gastrointestinal disorders.

We talk about gut health, how to build muscle, and how to optimize your body while working nights. 


The questions below are some we’d like to tackle. We often go off-topic, so we don’t expect to hit them all. If you have any ideas, please let us know.

Looking forward to our conversation!

These are the questions you had in Calendly. We’ll go off your questions and wherever else our conversation goes.

  1. Can you give us a background about yourself?
    1. How did you get involved and find a passion for sports nutrition, weight loss, and gastrointestinal disorders?
  2. As a nutritionist, what kind of diet do you follow, and is there a specific reason(s) for it?
  3. How do you develop a good relationship with food?
  4. Are there different nutritional requirements for men and women?
    1. When it comes to fat loss, is it any different?
    2. When it comes to building muscle, is it any different?
    3. How do you find your metabolic rate? Is there a way to get a rough estimate without having to o through tests?
  5. Should people be eating at night?
    1. A good portion of our audience works the night shift. Should people eat throughout the night while working? Or should the day be limited to a particular hour?
      1. Does our body absorb food differently at night, or does it have different nutritional requirements?
    2. What foods do you recommend for someone who struggles not to eat a night?
      1. What foods, in general, do you recommend, and what should people avoid eating while working nights? 
  6. Do you think intermittent fasting is a good idea for someone that works nights?
    1. What is your general perspective on Intermittent fasting?
  7. When it comes to building muscle, what are some of the critical concepts of hypertrophy and nutrition?
    1. Do you believe in body recomposition, and what is the proper approach?
      1. Specifically, as someone that trains marital arts 4-5 times a week and weightlifters 3-4 times a week, how could I maximize my nutrition to not lose weight, gain muscle and lean out?
  8. Creatine, how much do you need to get a performance boost, and how consistently do you need to take it?
    1. Do you recommend any sports supplements?
  9. Gut health is a big trending topic; we know that specific hormones are derived from the gut, what is the key to a happy, healthy gut?
  10. There is a big push for everything plant-based. What is your opinion on meat? 
    1. Some studies show meat protein’s superiority over plant-based proteins. Is there a difference? 
    2. I’ve read studies stating that meat proteins are more bioavailable, digestible, and have higher anabolic potential than plant-based proteins.


Before we end the show, we have one last question we like to ask all our guests. If you had the opportunity to have a Cup of coffee with anybody one last time, who would it be & why? 

Follow Aidan on Instagram for more tips and tricks so you can optimize your body at @aidan_the_dietitian and for online consultations @idealnutrition__.

You can also listen to his Podcast at The Ideal Nutrition Podcast  or visit his website at https://www.idealnutrition.com.au/ for more information.

Here’s why nutrition matters, click here and watch the full episode 👇


00:00 Introduction
01:45 How did you get involved and find a passion for sports nutrition?
04:03 What types of diets have you experimented with?
04:31 How much protein can your body tolerate?
06:25 How to develop a proper relationship with food?
08:49 How do beliefs play a role in nutrition?
11:25 Difference in Marco nutrition between Males and Females
15:08 Nutrition for night shift workers
17:21 What snacks should you be consuming?
18:32 Outcomes of Intermittent fasting?
21:24 Muscle building and intermittent fasting
25:19 Muscular hypertrophy and body recomp
28:28 How to figure out your metabolic needs?
34:18 What should be on your plate for health and vitality?
37:10 Key to a healthy gut microbe
40:11 Supplement recommendations
42:04 What is creatine?
47:07 How long do results last from creatine?
48:47 Nutrition Do’s & Dont’s
52:47 Wrapping up the episode



EP 182: Finding Your Voice as a Nurse With Andrea Dalzell

EP 182: Finding Your Voice as a Nurse With Andrea Dalzell

Finding Your Voice as a Nurse With Andrea Dalzell

Finding your voice as a nurse is challenging for some of us. And sometimes, whenever we try to speak up, something gets in our way.

Sometimes, we listen more to others than ourselves. We fail to listen to our voice and we forget that we even have one. We are caught up with so much noise and what people tell us to do.

But it is time we start listening to our own. We must find our own voice and speak up about what we want. How can we do that? Is there a process? What happens when we find our voice?

In this episode, we would like to introduce you to Andrea Dalzell, also known as @theseatednurse. She studied biology and neuroscience while earning her bachelor’s degree in nursing.

Andrea was diagnosed with transverse myelitis at the age of 5 and began using a wheelchair full-time at the age of 12. She is an advocate and inspiration to many nurses around the world.


The questions below are some we’d like to tackle. We often go off-topic, so we don’t expect to hit them all. If you have any ideas, please let us know. Looking forward to our conversation!

These are the questions you had in Calendly. We’ll go off your questions and wherever else our conversation goes.

  1. Can you give us a quick bio about yourself?
  2. What was one of your biggest struggles in becoming a nurse?
  3. How difficult was it to be a nurse or land your first position in your situation?
  4. How did you find your voice through your disability? 
    • “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Access”
  5. How are you advocating for creating more diverse and inclusive nursing environments?
    • Disability is the fastest and largest growing minority in the world. Without disability inclusion, we could be limiting opportunities for our future selves.
  6. What is some advice you have for women who roll?
    • Nursing can seem intimidating or unattainable to someone who uses a wheelchair because of the physical demands, but that doesn’t mean they are out of reach. 
    • The misconception comes with the fact that a disability means you’re incapable. Not true.
  7. What are the future goals that you’re pursuing? It can be nursing or broad. 


Before we end the show, we have one last question we like to ask all our guests. If you had the opportunity to have a Cup of coffee with anybody one last time, who would it be & why? 

Catch Andrea on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook at @theseatednurse.

You can also check out her website https://www.theseatednurse.com/ and connect with her through her LinkedIn profile at https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-dalzell-bsn-rn-b17a75b6/

Find your voice by clicking on the full episode here 👇


00:00 Introduction
02:01 Going through life with a disability
05:53 Life, liberty, and the pursuit of access
07:10 Bias in Healthcare
12:09 Advice for overcoming fear and adversity
17:17 How to solve roadblocks in nursing
25:47 Overcoming the feelings of judgment
30:52 Other success stories
32:26 Finding acceptance and what is normal
39:07 Creating change for people with disabilities
41:09 How other countries accommodate disabilities
42:24 Managing time while in NP school, building a nonprofit, and starting a new career
46:55 Coffee with grandma one last time and role models
49:33 Wrapping up the episode


EP 181: 7 Foods That Help Nurses Gain Energy During a 12-hour Shift

EP 181: 7 Foods That Help Nurses Gain Energy During a 12-hour Shift

7 Foods That Help Nurses Gain Energy During a 12-hour Shift

Our diet plays a big role in keeping our bodies in shape. As nurses, we owe our bodies healthy and nutritious food. When we eat a well-balanced diet, we have more energy to do our job.

It is why it’s best to know the 7 foods that help nurses gain energy during a 12-hour shift. Eating the right food will give you the best energy and avoid the stress that a 12-hour shift can give. 

In this episode, we will talk about the 7 best foods you can eat to keep up with your long shifts. We also had the chance to talk to Alandra Segoviano.

She is a writer for wellandgood.com and is interested in the lifestyle of a nurse.  She is curious about what foods we eat on shift and why.  So if you are as curious as her, then this episode is for you. 

Diet vs. Lifestyle

Temporary Diets don’t work. You must find the food you like to eat and eliminate all the processed stuff.

People see the results of diets because they just end up eliminating calories. Any diet will work if you just decrease the number of calories; everyone will find success in that. 

Intermittent fasting is beneficial, especially on nights. 

  • Working all night doesn’t mean you have to eat all night.
  • 16-8 is the one we usually do. We stop eating at midnight. 
  • Different associations with food. It becomes more of a fuel

Benefits of Intermittent fasting:

  1. Increases metabolism
  • In intermittent fasting, your metabolism does not decrease because fasting is short-term.
  • The way intermittent fasting indirectly boosts your metabolism is through norepinephrine. During acute starvation and short-term calorie negligence, your body increases norepinephrine levels. Norepinephrine causes an increase in the release of glucose. 

2. Immune function

  • Autophagy is the process of programmed cell death. It is also the ability to find damaged cells and destroy them.
  • On the immunological level, it is also breaking down white blood cells for resources to rebuild. White blood cells are a general term to associate all our immune cells. Our body naturally breaks down damaged cells and uses those components to create new mature white blood cells for the future.
  • Decreases oxidative stress and inflammation. Long-term effects of oxidation and inflammation increase the risks of developing cancer and other chronic diseases. A decrease in chronic disease, in turn, helps decrease the immune system’s workload.

3. Brain function

  • You take the work and time needed to consume food and put that effort into brain function and mental processing.
  • Increase a hormone called BDNF. Studies show that The chemical Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is decreased in depression and other brain issues. An increase in BDNF can make you feel better on a neurological level.
  • Builds self-control

4. Liquids 

  • You need to drink more water. This especially helps with hunger and craving. 


Meat, including seafood – is simple, protein that keeps you fuller for longer. It’s the building block of life. 

  • Meat protein vs Plant-based
    • Research shows that meat protein 
      • Meat resulted in a more significant gain in whole-body net protein balance above baseline than the ounce equivalents of plant-based protein food sources. The improvement in whole-body net protein balance was due to increased protein synthesis with all the animal protein sources. In contrast, the egg and pork groups also suppressed protein breakdown compared to plant protein sources [1].
      • Steak, chicken, beef, pork, salmon, and shrimp. 


    • Berries
      • Taste the best. Lower in calories and lower in carbs
  • Antioxidants
    • Help keep free radicals under control and helps decrease inflammation.
    • Blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries have the highest antioxidant activity of commonly consumed fruits, next to pomegranates.

High in fiber

High nutrition content

      • Vitamins like C, minerals, Magnesium


  • The consistent vegetables we eat are mushrooms, potatoes (sweet and regular), onions, swiss chard, and greens.
  • Explore different vegetables and find ones you can consistently eat.
  • Basic building blocks for life. 
  • The primary source of all major vitamins and minerals for our body to function and present inflammation.

Greek yogurt and peanut butter

  • Unsweetened Greek yogurt with some fruits and granola
  • Great for gut support
      • Probiotics. Make sure it says Live and Active Cultures (LAC)
  • Bone and muscle health
      • Protein, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.


    • Oatmeal with milk and butter, not water. 
    • Good source of fiber, protein, and antioxidants. 
  • Beta-glucans
    • Beta-glucans have been tested to lower blood glucose concentrations and decrease hyperlipidemia and hypertension [2].
    • It might prevent the body from absorbing cholesterol from food. They might also stimulate the immune system by increasing chemicals that prevent infections.
      • Essentially helps neutrophils travel to the site of infection faster and improves their potential to eliminate the bacteria they find there.

RX Bars

  • 3 eggwhites
  • 6 almonds 
  • 4 cashews
  • 2 Dates 

Recently – easy-to-eat salads with meat, romaine lettuce, cucumber, tomato, sprouts, avocado, and red onion. 

Primal Kitchen dressings – Cleanest dressing, based on olive and avocado oils. All are healthy foods that help nurses last their 12-hour shifts.

Learn what foods you can eat during your long shifts by watching the full episode here 👇


00:00 Introduction
01:44 Peters nightshift nurse life
03:42 Night shift eating pattern
06:44 What veggies and fruits for a nursing shift
10:09 Best protein powders
12:01 Water Intake as a nurse
16:21 Truth about dieting
17:34 Matt’s daily diet
19:55 Easy nursing snacks for nurses
24:05 How to prevent carb crashes and feeling tired
28:17 4 main food categories for good health
29:25 Avoid sugary foods at work
30:46 Caffeinate properly as a nurse
32:49 When do you get used to night shift?


About Cup of Nurses

About Cup of Nurses

About Cup of Nurses

Welcome to the Cup of Nurses podcast, your source for current health news and hot nursing topics. We are Matt and Peter, and we love helping nurses. 

Together, we have over 5 years of experience in various nursing fields ranging from the ICU to travel nursing. Through numerous hospitals and units, we gained a vast perspective on nursing and how to navigate healthcare. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to change the world, one conversation at a time, to help you renew your mind and spirit as you face the realities that a career in nursing often brings.

We have had podcasts for over 3 years and don’t see slowing down in the future. Being who we are, we like to keep things raw and unfiltered as we stay true to ourselves, sharing what our lives are like both on and off the clock.

We had a different upbringing, being born in Poland, eastern culture, so we love to share our unique lifestyle off the clock. 

Sugarcoating information or glossing over tough issues is not our thing. We face topics head-on, debate the subjects at hand and let you make your own decisions.

The guests we bring on also help us on this mission as they share their experiences in various areas of life. Everyone in society should have a unique perspective on healthcare.

This is why we encourage everyone to look into the topics we discuss on the show. 

We want to mentor you in your nursing career both on and off the clock. And maybe, you may also be an outsider, trying to gain a perspective on healthcare. 

As you enter nursing school, we are here for you. We provide education and tips on how to survive through those difficult semesters. To simplify things, we’ve even put together an NCLEX study guide to simplify your process. 

Called to Serve as Nurses

Nursing is hard, but it is also very rewarding. if you’re a nursing student, nurse, or someone interested in greater quality of life, you’re in the right place.

We have a ton of information on Cup of Nurses.com about everything we talk about on the podcast and tailored merch on the Cup of Nurses’ shop. If you want to connect with our community, join our FB groups and follow us on social media. 

Education and science have been our biggest influences when it comes to the mission we have for Cup of Nurses and our other brand Frontline Warriors.

Education is important to be successful in any area of life. Do you want to lift properly? You need to research and learn about the subject. We love podcasting about new subjects and looking behind science and research. 

The self-improvement journey was another avenue of interest we had in our lives. The pursuit of happiness is in everyone’s vision, but we realize that external satisfaction is only half the trip to tranquility. Through the self-exploration journey, Frontline Warriors started.

What Cup of Nurses is All About

We want to help support like-minded people on the same journey, rising to a higher vibration of this planet. As we worked in healthcare, we realized that healthcare professionals need self-care more than ever.

The change starts within, so we all need to awaken to our inner journey and help improve healthcare. 

Even though the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming suffering. Consciousness is the key.

We are all on the battlefield inside of our minds, so why not be a warrior on this journey of life and have the support of like-minded people? Join us on wearefrontlinewarriors.com

We have also taken matters into our own hands to help the healthcare industry with our app Prnto.

Our goal is to make our app a one-stop and transparent platform for medical professionals to find superior employment, advance their education, find valuable information, and participate in a community with shared interests.

We are here to create more purpose in your career, health, and leisure time. Arm yourself with the latest knowledge and keep your heart full with the most up-to-date information from Cup of Nurses.

If you listen to the show and enjoy what we do, it would mean the world to us if you would leave a review and share the show. 

Learn more about us by clicking here 👇


Ep. 180: How Your Mindset Affects Your Life with Gary Clinton

Ep. 180: How Your Mindset Affects Your Life with Gary Clinton

How Your Mindset Affects Your Life with Gary Clinton

Your mindset affects your life in ways you don’t even expect. The truth is that many factors could affect our mental health.

It could be stress, frustrations, or pent-up emotions that we cannot express. It could also be pressure at work, studies, or it could also be the way you think. We tend to put pressure on ourselves.

And when we can’t fight these, it will indeed affect us. It is also the reason why many of us suffer from depression and anxiety. 

But is there a way to combat these mental health issues? How can we keep a healthy mind? And most importantly, how can your mindset affect your health and life in general?

In this episode, we would like to introduce you to Gary Clinton. Gary Clinton is a mental health enthusiast passionate about mental health, dreams, nutrition, fitness, and creating a ripple effect on this earth to change human consciousness. 

He will help us understand how our mindset affects our life

We talk about the philosophy of life and how Gary overcame depression to become the person he is today.


The questions below are some we’d like to tackle. We go off-topic, so we don’t expect to hit them all. If you have any ideas, please let us know. We are looking forward to our conversation!

These are the questions you had in Calendly. We’ll go off your questions and wherever else our conversation goes.


You told us that you lost your father. How did you cope with a death of a loved one? How did it affect your childhood?

  1. What were you trying to emotionally escape from? How did you deal with depression?
  2. What is the value of talking to someone?
  3. How do you clean up the mind?
  4. What are non-negotiable habits? And how important are they?
  5. How do you describe life and suffering in a metaphor?
  6. Any words of wisdom for people suffering from depression?
  7. How do we overcome suffering?


Before we end the show, we have one last question we like to ask all our guests.

If you had the opportunity to have a Cup of coffee with anybody one last time, who would it be & why? 

To learn more about how our mindset works and mental health, check out Gary on Instagram @mentalhealthhelp.ie for more helpful lessons and tips that you can use in life.

Learn more about your mindset by watching this full episode. Click here for the best advice! 👇


00:00 Introduction
01:38 About Gary Clinton
05:58 How acceptance molds our future
07:57 Coping with the loss of a father and Healing Childhood
11:13 Escaping emotions and dealing with depression
14:48 Value of talking to someone
18:13 Goals, Dreams, and going through change
21:36 Shifting perspective
25:39 Tools to keep you on track
27:33 Cleaning up the mind
32:43 The non-negotiable habits
40:18 Metaphors for life and suffering
58:19 Wrapping up the episode