EP 187: The Opportunities Nursing Brings with Britt Greaves

EP 187: The Opportunities Nursing Brings with Britt Greaves

The Opportunities Nursing Brings with Britt Greaves

The opportunities nursing brings are endless. Nursing, as a profession, offers plenty of chances for better careers and many nursing fields that you can pursue.

And while this opens many possibilities to nurses, many are also hesitant to change career fields. There’s that feeling that they cannot do other things than the ones they already know. But this is not true, as nurses, we have the skills to survive anything.

We have the power to choose. Remember that. If you are unhappy with work, it’s time to make room for changes.

Explore new places, try different nursing units, pursue the nursing field of your dreams – take hold of your career and embrace the opportunities we’re given.

Let’s start today. 

Our Guest

In this episode, we would like to introduce you to Britt Greaves. Britt Greaves is a nurse who worked in specialties such as Hospice/Palliative Care, and ICU, and traveled for over  5 years in the PICU.

When she isn’t working, you can find her blogging, volunteering on international medical mission trips, or advocating for mental health in the nursing community through her founded safe space, The Debrief.

Transitioning from the bedside, Britt is the Community Manager at Trusted Health, where she now advocates for the health of the nursing community. 

We discuss the importance of speaking about your feelings, how to heal, and the debrief. 


The questions below are some we’d like to tackle. We go off-topic all the time so we don’t expect to hit them all. If you have any ideas please let us know. Looking forward to our conversation!

  1. How has your nursing journey been?
    • You’ve worked in a handful of specialties as a staff and then as a travel nurse to now focusing on projects away from the bedside. How did you slowly transition away from staff to travel?
  2. Is there a time you can recall in or out of nursing that really opened up your mind to mindfulness and mental health?
    • Can you talk to us about how you began incorporating mindfulness into your life and how it has helped you?
    • Meditation, what kind do you do?
  3. What were the darkest depths you have experienced as a traveler to rediscover yourself? 
  4. Chakras and sound healing, how did you get into it? And how does it help you?
    • What were you struggling with that turned you to these practices?
  5. What is the Debrief?
  6. How did you get involved with trusted and what is trusted? 


Before we end the show, we have one last question we like to ask all our guests. If you had the opportunity to have a Cup of coffee with anybody one last time, who would it be & why? 

Catch more of Britt on her Instagram account at @catchbrittifyoucan or visit her at  https://events.trustedhealth.com/ for more. 

You can learn more about the opportunities nursing brings by watching the full episode here 👇👇


00:00 Introduction
02:02 About Brit Greaves
02:43 Exploring other fields of healthcare
05:56 The benefits of travel nursing
07:30 The reasons for leaving the bedside
09:16 The challenges outside of nursing
10:42 Nursing attributes that help through life
13:03 Healing yourself, meditation, and sound healing
20:12 About The Debrief
22:19 Selfcare in nursing and gratitude
27:24 Why is it hard for nurses to take time off?
34:42 Talking about TravCon
35:43 Goals for the travel nursing community
38:28 Opportunities as a travel nurse
40:43 End remarks

EP 186: Solving Problems in Leadership with Michelle Troseth and Dr. Tracy Christopherson

EP 186: Solving Problems in Leadership with Michelle Troseth and Dr. Tracy Christopherson

Solving Problems in Leadership with Michelle Troseth and Dr. Tracy Christopherson

Solving problems in leadership is the key to easing the burden of many nurses and healthcare professionals. Burnout is an ongoing issue that many nurses are experiencing. The sad thing is it can happen to anyone’s career.

Long-term stress can cause anyone mental and physical exhaustion. And for the nursing profession, burnout results from their demanding job, nursing shortages, and frequent exposure to human suffering. 

Nurses are witnesses to death and grieving families each day. Add the long work hours, complex patients, workplace drama, and not having effective support or leadership in the workplace can lead to intense burnout.

When you are burnout, you feel helpless, but if you know how to manage it, you can enjoy a successful nursing career. But the question remains, how can we help our healthcare leaders? Is there a way to solve problems in leadership?

Our Guests

In this episode, we would like to introduce you to Michelle Troseth and Dr. Tracy Christopherson, co-founders of MissingLogic. They have more than 60 years of combined healthcare experience.

They also help healthcare organizations and healthcare leaders combat burnout and improve satisfaction through the power of a framework-driven approach founded on Polarity Intelligence.

We talk about how the idea of a single solution to a single problem approach does not always fit the healthcare model and how polarity plays a role in leadership and healthcare dynamics. 


The questions below are some we’d like to tackle. We often go off-topic, so we don’t expect to hit them all. If you have any ideas, please let us know.

Looking forward to our conversation!

These are the questions you had in Calendly. We’ll go off your questions and wherever else our conversation goes. 

  1. Can you give us your nursing experience & background
  2. Based on your experience, speak to us about leadership in healthcare 
    • Why do we need new leadership norms in healthcare?
  3. What are some toxic workplace behaviors/environments that lead to burnout?
  4. What is Polarity intelligence? 
    • How does it benefit hospital organizations and nurse leaders?
    • How do you identify tension in the workplace?

5. How do you guys go about consulting organizations in healthcare?

      • What are the three pillars of a healthy healthcare organization?
        • People, Processes, and Performance. 

6. How do you create dynamic balance in our lives – professionally and personally?


Before we end the show, we have one last question we like to ask all our guests. If you had the opportunity to have a Cup of coffee with anybody one last time, who would it be & why? 

Catch up with Michelle and Dr. Tracy to learn more about solving problems in leadership on their Instagram at @missinglogic_llc and follow them on their Facebook at Missing Logic, LLC. You can also connect with them through their LinkedIn profile at missinglogicllc for more information.

Let’s learn the ways to solve problems in leadership by watching the full episode here 👇



00:00 Introduction
02:00 About Michelle and Tracy
05:46 Importance of healthy leadership in healthcare
09:17 Stressors for nurse managers
12:34 Toxic behavior that leads to burnout
17:23 Polarity Intelligence
21:19 Margins and the mission
24:43 Challenges in union vs nonunion hospital
30:18 Is more nurses ever the solution?
36:21 How healthcare organizations solve problems
37:46 Unit satisfaction and culture
42:31 Characteristics of good leaders
50:22 End Remarks

EP 185: Is There Nursing Shortage with The Nurse Erica

EP 185: Is There Nursing Shortage with The Nurse Erica

Is There Nursing Shortage with The Nurse Erica

Is there a nursing shortage in the United States? That is the question in everyone’s mind. But according to the American Nurses Association, more nursing jobs will be available through 2022. It is the fastest-growing profession compared to any other job in the US. 

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that more than 275,000 additional nurses are needed from 2020 to 2030 while employment opportunities are predicted to grow at 9% until 2026.

That said, the nursing shortage is not entirely true. And what that in mind, we introduce to your our guest, The Nurse Erica as we discuss this topic. 

The Nurse Erica, as she is known on social media, is a prolific advocate for nurses. She says the things we all want to say but are too afraid of retaliation. 

We talk about her journey from being a nurse to a nurse manager, the fake nursing shortage, and the lack of nursing unions. 


The questions below are some we’d like to tackle. We often go off-topic, so we don’t expect to hit them all. If you have any ideas, please let us know.

Looking forward to our conversation!

These are the questions you had in Calendly. We’ll go off your questions and wherever else our conversation goes.

  1. Erica, can you give a little background about yourself?
  2. What shift have you noticed in the nursing community pre versus post-pandemic?
  3. Do you have a personal first-hand experience that made you advocate for nurses?
  4. What are some nurses’ rights that are non-negotiable for all nurses to navigate the complexities of care properly?
    • We are big on safe work environments that prioritize and protect nurses’ well-being and provide support, resources, and tools to stay psychologically and physically whole. 
  5. What are the benefits of nursing unions?
  6. What should nurses know when it comes to reporting?
  7. Why do you say there is no nursing shortage?


Before we end the show, we have one last question we like to ask all our guests.

If you had the opportunity to have a Cup of coffee with anybody one last time, who would it be & why? 

Connect with Nurse Erica through her Instagram at @the.nurse.erica and Facebook Page at Nurse Erica for more updates. 

You can also visit and subscribe to her YouTube channel at The Nurse Erica or follow her on TikTok at @the.nurse.erica for the latest. 

Learn more about nursing shortage by watching the full episode here 👇



00:00 Introduction
01:42 About the guest
02:32 Nursing school vs nursing
06:15 Changes in healthcare post-pandemic
09:26 How managers and nurse leaders can help nurses
14:08 Corruption in healthcare
19:51 Setting boundaries as a nurse
23:20 The powerlessness of nursing and where to file reports
26:29 Are nursing unions worth it?
33:20 Why hospitals hate unions
43:48 Is there a nursing shortage?
51:13 End remarks

EP 184: Creating Value with Art with Deane Bowers

EP 184: Creating Value with Art with Deane Bowers

Creating Value with Art with Deane Bowers

Creating value with art gives us this space where we can express ourselves. It is where we can create something out of nothing. It also helps us destress and find a calm, quiet, and safe space where we can enjoy our time away from the buzz and chaos of life.

The best thing about it is that art evolves. It doesn’t stop in one line. It grows and gives people more ways to express themselves. 

Art is perhaps one of the reasons why many people turn their passion for it into something worthwhile. And with that, we welcome our guest, Deane Bowers.

Deane is an artist whose mission is to make this world a more loving, gentler, and kinder place. She gives ordinary objects value by bringing out their best qualities and celebrating their flaws and imperfections.

Deane’s art encourages others to embrace and celebrate their shortcomings. 

We talk about the importance of art and the together while apart project. 


The questions below are some we’d like to tackle. We often go off-topic, so we don’t expect to hit them all. If you have any ideas, please let us know.

Looking forward to our conversation!

These are the questions you had in Calendly. We’ll go off your questions and wherever else our conversation goes.

  1. Deane, can you give a little background about yourself?
      • Was art always a passion of yours? How did you get started in it, and how did you learn to make art?
      • How did you start turning everyday items into pieces of art?
      • Where do you find your inspiration, and what do you look to when you struggle to find your creativity?
  1. How does creating art make you feel?
      • Is it your happy place? Is it something you use as a way to focus? Is it your escape?
      • What is your most proud piece besides the Together While Apart piece?
  2. Having a family full of healthcare professionals, do they ever talk to you about their job?
      • What seems to be the most challenging part of their careers or something you find they struggle with? And what advice do you give them?
      • Any advice you can give moms with their children in nursing school or healthcare-based education?
  3. What is the Together While Apart Project?
      • How did you get started, and why did you start it?


Before we end the show, we have one last question we like to ask all our guests.

If you had the opportunity to have a Cup of coffee with anybody one last time, who would it be & why? 

Follow Deane and her artwork through her Instagram at @deanevbowersart.

You can also help support nurses by donating to the Together While Apart Project. Check out their Instagram page at @togetherwhileapartproject for more information.

If art is your passion, watch the full episode by clicking here 👇


00:00 Introduction
02:45 About the guest
04:39 How to stay creative
06:33 The perfect pieces of art
09:30 All about the “Together While Apart Art Project”
20:18 The challenges of healthcare professionals
24:02 A way of helping nurses
28:25 How to support the project
31:39 The importance of being creative
34:05 The radiating effects of art
37:42 What keeps Deane busy
39:31 The Fresh Start project
42:18 Wrapping up the episode