EP 107: When Your Travel Nursing Contract Gets Cut Short

EP 107: When Your Travel Nursing Contract Gets Cut Short

What to do When Your Travel Nursing Contract Gets Cut Short

Travel nursing is a lucrative business, it pays well, and you can have a lot of fun. A typical travel nursing contract is anywhere from 8 to 13 weeks, with the option to extend after each contract. We are hearing a lot of nurses getting canceled mid-contract or even during their first shift. We’re going to provide some insight on how to make your cancelation a little bit more manageable. 

  • Know how long you want to stay in one location
  • Don’t sign a long-term lease
  • Two-week grace period
  • Look for jobs before the contract expires
  • Be financially smart
  • Have profiles with multiple agencies

1. Know how long you want to stay in one location.

The most efficient and effective way to get the most out of a travel nursing contract run is to stay at a place for multiple contracts. Why? Because when you extend your contract, it is usually accompanied by a pay increase. Hospitals do this because you’ve already completed orientation, and it is more cost-effective to keep a nurse than train a new one. 

Another reason is to know how long you want to stay so that your recruiter can keep looking for jobs in the area. If your recruiter knows you want to stay in a location longer, they will keep looking at contracts. This works out well when you do get canceled mid-assignment. It will be easier for you to find a job on shorter notice. 

During your contract, let your recruiter and the manager know you want to extend your travel nursing contract once it’s up that way, they don’t have to look for a nurse that may fill a future position, and it may avoid you being cut because they know you are willing to commit longer. 

2. Don’t sign a long-term lease.

One mistake that nurses make is signing a long-term lease. They go in thinking they’ll be in one location for a year. That isn’t always the case. If you want to be somewhere for a year, we’d recommend letting your recruiter know about the facility so they can potentially work on it with you. A facility might be able to keep renewing your contract but let them know ahead of time. 

We don’t recommend signing such a long-term lease because things change quickly. You might be better off doing a 3-month lease and renewing it each time. You might not even like the facility or the location. 

You can lose a lot of money by breaking the lease agreement, the money you could have even saved by signing short-term leases. 

3. Make sure your contract has a 2-week grace period.

Look through your contract, and if it doesn’t have a clause stating that you’ll get a 2-week notice before your cut, make sure you get one. This way you at least have two weeks to find another job.

Some places don’t offer a 2-week notice, but I would still push for one because you never know what can happen. Getting cut short is stressful, and you need ample time to adjust.

4. Look for other jobs before your contract ends.

Your contract has an end date, have your recruiter start lining you up with jobs as soon as possible. This way, if you get cut, you already have something lined up, and they may even be able to take you on early.

It would be best if you always had a job lined up at least a month before your contract expires. That way, you aren’t chasing time and working yourself up about job security.

Travel nursing jobs have a specific start date, but that can be adjusted if you apply for jobs a month out and get cut two weeks early. The next facility might be able to hire you earlier. 

5. Be financially savvy.

Just because you can afford a more excellent place because you have a more considerable income coming in doesn’t mean you should take it. Nursing is a stable career, but you should be prepared for the worst. Getting cut puts you in a financial hole, and it’s much harder to get out if you always live in luxury.

Make sure to have an emergency fund that covers at least one month of travel nursing expenses; this is different than your standard emergency fund, which should cover about three months worth of bills. 

6. Work with multiple agencies.

Different agencies have different locations and contracts. Even if you enjoy working with 1, keep your foot in the door of others. Finding a temporary arrangement after you get canceled when you work with multiple agencies is much easier because you’ll have more offers.

It is common for nurses to find a home with one agency but don’t get stuck in that one forever because there will be times when you’ll have to reach out to others, and when you already have your paperwork filled out, it makes for a smoother process. 

Here’s what you can do in case your travel nurse contract gets canceled. Click here 👇👇👇


00:00 Intro
00:10 Today’s topic
01:17 As a travel nurse, you must adapt to things
02:43 Know how long you want to stay in a location
07:25 Don’t sign a long-term contract lease
10:08 Make sure you have a 2-week grace period in your contract
12:40 Look for other jobs before your contract ends
15:15 Be financially smart
19:26 Financial stress sucks
25:05 Work with multiple agencies
30:07 If you need us to help you
30:32 End of Show


EP 105: How to Manage Your Finances with Allie Grotteland

EP 105: How to Manage Your Finances with Allie Grotteland

EP 105: How to Manage Your Finances with Allie Grotteland

When it comes to money, it can be hard to manage it sometimes, especially when you think that you will get paid any time soon. But as a nurse, how can you manage your finances like a pro?

In this episode, we would like to introduce you to our guest Allie Grotteland, who shares her expertise on how to manage your finances well. Allie is also a PICU nurse and owner and founder of the debt-free nurse LLC. She helps nurses pay off debt, and save money without sacrificing things they love. 

IG page: @the_debtfreenurse

The questions below are some we tackled on the show

  • How did you first become self-aware of investing?
  • How do you first start teaching people about money?
  • What is the mindset you should have about saving and investing? 
  • Is there any advice that you can share to start paying off debt? 
  • What is your best advice to start saving your life? 
  • How do you create financial goals?
  • How do you stop impulse spending? 
  • One of your goals is to retire a millionaire; what systems do you have in place to bring that to reality? 
  • Difference between Roth IRA vs. 401K? 
  • Tell us about your experience with nurse bullying. 

Here’s how you can manage your finances well 👇👇👇


00:00 Intro
00:08 Guest intro
00:43 Nursing to Investing a business
04:47 The mindset you need to pay off debt
05:55 The most efficient way to pay off loans
08:24 How to look into your financial status
10:22 Holding off on purchases
12:12 How to stop someone from impulse shopping
14:34 The 48-Hour Rule
15:58 How to choose the best retirement plan
23:14 Invest your extra money
23:42 Amount of money to save
26:05 Put Emergency Funds first
29:40 Courses
32:36 Apps to use to track spending
33:17 Nurse bullying
39:55 It’s okay to change your mind
42:29 Is there bullying in PICU?
43:18 How did you switch units?
48:22 How to assess if the unit or area is for you
50:29 Say something if you’re being bullied at work
52:33 End of show

7 Important Micronutrients for a Healthy Life

7 Important Micronutrients for a Healthy Life

7 Important Micronutrients for a Healthy Life

Important micronutrients are vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy life. Micronutrients are nutrients that your body cannot produce and needs to come from an external source, except for vitamin D, which your body makes from sunlight.

All micronutrients are essential, and you should get them daily. Your body does not need a lot of them.

The seven most important micronutrients are vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, Magnesium, zinc, iron, and folate. 

1. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is needed for our Central Nervous system and metabolism [1]. Specifically, vitamin B6 helps with:

  • Creating red blood cells, specifically creating hemoglobin
  • Producing neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, etc.…)
  • Aids in fetal brain development
  • Help turn food into energy assists with metabolizing protein, fats, and carbohydrates.
  • Aids in proper cell nutrition

Vitamin B6 is also water-soluble, so any unused vitamin B6 will be excreted through the urine.

How Much Vitamin B6 Do We Need?

Age Amount
0-6 months 0.1 mg
7-12 months 0.3 mg
1-3 years 0.5 mg
4-8 years 0.6 mg
9-13 years 1 mg
14-18 years 1.3 mg
19-50 years 1.3 mg
51+ years 1.7 mg
Pregnant/Lactating women 2 mg


Sources of Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 comes from many sources; most can be found in meats [2].

  • Beef, liver, poultry, tuna, and salmon (3 oz yellowfin tuna = 0.9 mg)
  • Fortified cereals
  • Chickpeas and dark leafy greens (1 cup chickpeas = 1.1 mg)
  • Bananas, oranges, and cantaloupe (1 banana = 0.4 mg)

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is another important micronutrient known for its role in our immune system, but its benefits range throughout the body.

Years ago, people developed scurvy (characterized by swollen bleeding gums and the opening of previously healed wounds) due to the lack of vitamin C; it is not as prevalent in the modern age.

Research has also shown that vitamin C is associated with a lower likelihood of getting sick, even lowering the length and severity of a cold [3]. Vitamin C has been shown to assist with:

  • Iron absorption
  • Wound healing and scar formation
  • Cartilage, bone, and teeth health
  • Assists in the creation of skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels
    • A key player in the construction of a protein called collagen
  • Antioxidant properties assist in the breakdown of free radicals

How Much Vitamin C Do We Need

Vitamin C is also water-soluble, and all excess gets excreted through our urine. The recommended dose is anywhere from 75 mg to 2,000 mg.

You can exceed 2,000 mg, but it may cause nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain [4].

Sources of Vitamin C

Vitamin C has been found in the majority of citrus fruits. 

  • Oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, and cantaloupe (¾ cup of orange juice = 93 mg)
  • Broccoli, tomatoes, cabbage, and cauliflower (½ cup of cauliflower = 26 mg)

3. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a lesser-known vitamin and is easily overlooked. It is a fat-soluble vitamin, and the most common deficiencies occur in people with an issue absorbing fat, like Crohn’s and cystic fibrosis [5]. Vitamin E has been shown to play a crucial role in:

  • Vision. Decreases the incidence of age-related and chronic eye conditions such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
  • Reproduction aids in both female and male fertility.
  • Antioxidant properties decrease oxidative stress.
  • Some studies show a decreased incidence of heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and certain cancers. 

How Much Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning your body does not excrete it through urine, and over-consuming can lead to dangerous complications; however, overdose is not very common [6].

Age Amount
Birth – 6 months 4 mg
7 – 12 months 5 mg
1 – 3 years 6 mg
4 – 8 years 7 mg
9 – 13 years 11 mg
14 – 18 years 15 mg
Adults 15 mg
Pregnant/breastfeeding women 15 – 19 mg



Sources of Vitamin E

Vitamin E is mainly found in vegetables, oils, and nuts. It is fat-soluble; overconsumption is rare but can occur.

  • Fortified cereals
  • Almonds, walnuts, and sunflower seeds (1 oz of almonds = 7.8 mg)
  • Peppers, broccoli, and spinach (1 cup of spinach = 3.7 mg)
  • Olive oil and wheat germ oil (1tbsp of wheat germ oil = 20.3 mg)

4. Magnesium

Magnesium is the 4th most abundant mineral in the human body. It is also one of the electrolytes we look at every morning in the hospital.

It is crucial in proper cardiac function and a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems. This critical micronutrient also benefits the following [7]:

  • Cardiac health. It helps regulate rhythm and blood pressure
  • Brain health. Regulates NMDA, which aids in brain development, memory, and learning.
  • Muscle contraction and protein synthesis. Magnesium competes with calcium to help relax muscles.
  • Regulates blood sugar levels

How Much Magnesium Do We Need?

Age Amount
Birth – 6 months 30 mg
7 – 12 months 75 mg
1 – 3 years 80 mg
4 – 8 years 130 mg
9 – 13 years 240 mg
14 – 18 years 360 – 410 mg
Adults 310 – 420 mg
Pregnant/breastfeeding women 310 – 400 mg



Sources of Magnesium

Most sources of magnesium are from plant-based foods [8].

  • Pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, and almonds (1 oz of pumpkin seeds = 156 mg)
  • Fortified cereals
  • Beans and edamame (½ cup of black beans = 60 mg)

5. Zinc

Zinc is a vital mineral that aids the body in many functions. We only need a small amount of zinc, yet it is responsible for over 100 enzymes [9]

  • Gene expression, DNA, and protein synthesis. Zinc stabilizes the structure of RNA, DNA, and ribosomes in cells. 
  • Wound healing helps to create new cells and collagen formation
  • The immune function helps control inflammation and the aggregation of WBCs
  • Growth and development

How Much Zinc Do We Need?

It is important to meet at least the daily requirements with so many functions requiring zinc.

Age Amount
Birth – 6 months 2 mg
7 – 12 months 3 mg
1 – 3 years 3 mg
4 – 8 years 5 mg
9 – 13 years 8 mg
14 – 18 years 9 – 11 mg
Adults 8 – 11 mg
Pregnant/breastfeeding women 11 – 13 mg


Sources of Zinc

Zinc is an easy mineral to get a hold of because it is found in many plant and animal foods [10].

  • Fish, oysters, and poultry (3.5 oz of Alaskan crab = 7.6 mg)
  • Legumes, nuts, and seeds (100 g of black beans = 6.5 mg)
  • Eggs and dairy products (1 cup of milk = 1 mg)
  • Kale, mushrooms, and peas (1 cup mushroom – 1.9 mg)

6. Iron

Iron is a crucial mineral in healthy blood cells. If you consistently feel tired, it may signify iron deficiency [11]. Roughly 10 million people in the US have low iron, and about half of those have an iron deficiency.

Iron isn’t only responsible for healthy red blood cells; it has a much more crucial function:

  • Creation of hemoglobin
  • Hormones
  • Myoglobin serves as a storage site for oxygen in muscles

How Much Iron Do We Need?

Age Amount
Birth – 6 months 0.27 mg
7 – 12 months 11 mg
1 – 3 years 7 mg
4 – 8 years 10 mg
9 – 13 years 8 mg
14 – 18 years 11 – 15 mg
19 – 50 years 8 – 18 mg
51+ years 8 mg
Pregnant/breastfeeding women 9 – 27 mg


Sources of Iron

The primary sources of iron are lean meats, poultry, and seafood. There is some iron in certain plant-based foods.

  • Meats, poultry, and seafood (290g of ribeye = 6.5 mg)
  • Fortified cereals
  • Nuts and dried fruit (1 cup of pumpkin seeds = 11.4 mg)
  • Beans, spinach, and peas (3.5 oz of spinach = 2.7 mg)

7. Folate

The topic of folate or folic acid usually comes around during pregnancy. It is essential in preventing neural tube defects. Folate is vital for overall good health. It is sometimes referred to as vitamin B 9.

  • Make and repair DNA. folate is necessary for the creation of certain enzymes that synthesize and modify DNA
  • Produce red blood cells

How Much Folate Does the Body Need?

Age Amount
Birth – 6 months 65 mcg
7 – 12 months 80 mcg
1 – 3 years 150 mcg
4 – 8 years 200 mcg
9 – 13 years 300 mcg
14 – 18 years 400 mcg
19+ years 400 mcg
Pregnant/breastfeeding women 500 – 600 mcg

Sources of Folate

Folate can be found most commonly in dark leafy greens. People who have absorption issues in their small intestines may have improper folate absorption. 

  • Spinach, Brussel sprouts, and asparagus (1 cup of cooked spinach = 263 mcg)
  • Beef and liver (3 oz beef liver = 212 mcg)
  • Nuts, beans, and peas (100 g of kidney beans = 130 mcg)

Learn more about the essential vitamins and micronutrients in this video, click here 👇


00:00 – Intro
00:33 – Topic Intro – Important Micronutrients for Healthy Life
02:52 – Vitamin B6
04:39 – Recommended Vit B6 doses
06:03 – Vitamin C
10:38 – Vitamin E
13:09 – Common sources of Vitamin E
14:41 – How often should you take Vitamin E?
18:42 – Artificial Salt and Sugar
20:24 – Zinc
24:31 – How much zinc do you need?
26:54 – Iron
31:34 – An article from Psychology Today
32:53 – Change your diet!
34:06 – Sources of Iron
35:05 – Folate
35:39 – How much folate do you need?
38:43 – Wrapping up the episode

Suez Canal Mishap and Unreported Covid 19 Vaccine Deaths

Suez Canal Mishap and Unreported Covid 19 Vaccine Deaths

Suez Canal Mishap and Unreported Covid 19 Vaccine Deaths

In recent news, the Suez canal has been unable to be used as a major transportation route for ships all over the world. Ever Given became lodged in the canal and crews are working effortlessly to free it. Shipping analysts estimate the traffic jam has held up nearly $10 billion in trade each day. 

Will there ever be a day when Covid-19 won’t be a news topic? This week we explore covid 19 vaccine-related deaths. Just like with any medication there are side effects and even risks of death. We hear great praise about the covid 19 vaccines but we have yet to see anyone talking about the 900+ serious reactions leading to death after administration. The CDC has a system called VAERS that keeps track of all the adverse reactions to vaccines, from light symptoms like headaches to serious adverse reactions leading to death [1]

What’s going on in the Suez Canal

The Suez Canal is a 120-mile-long waterway in Egypt that connects the Mediterranean sea to the Indian Ocean. It enables more direct trafficking between Europe and Asia, eliminating the need to go around Africa, and cutting shipping and travel times by days or weeks. It takes about 13-15 hours for ships to move through and it has no locks to interrupt traffic. It’s the world’s largest canal without locks.

The Canal was built by French investors in the mid-19th century and took about 10 years to build, costing about 100 million dollars and requiring an estimated amount of 1.5 million workers. 

On 3/26 a 1,312 ft, 200,000 metric ton ship containing 18,000 containers got stuck in the canal. It created a 300 ship traffic jam, costing companies about 10 billion dollars of daily delays. Many attempts were done to free the boat with no success. They are now banking on a high tide that should raise water levels about 18 inches to help free the ship [2].

Companies like Amazon, Apple, and Alibaba have been affected by these issues and shoppers might see some delivery delays. It is also causing oil and natural gas prices to rise in Europe and all over the world.

Covid 19 Vaccine Deaths

The Covid 19 vaccine has benefited many people and has saved many lives. We are not discrediting the vaccine’s effectiveness, we are discrediting the media outlets for not giving you the full picture of the situation. There have been over 900 covid 19 vaccine-associated deaths according to the CDC. This data, however, is hard to find and no one is speaking on it [3]

What makes the data even harder to spread is the inability to share a direct link. This is how you access the reports of covid 19 associated deaths. 

  1. Go on this link > https://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html
  2. Agree to the disclaimer
  3. Press on the request form tab
  4. Group results by symptoms, vaccine type, serious, VAERS ID
  5. Scroll down and change the dates so it reads, from January 2020 until January 2021
  6. Press send. You’ll get all covid 19 vaccine deaths for the month of January

Why are these not being shown to us?

This data is hard to reach because they want to boost as much vaccine confidence as possible. It is common sense to have serious and non-serious side effects to new medications but why is it not being talked about? They don’t want to scare you away from getting the vaccine, which then skews public opinion about the vaccine. 

The truth is the vaccine has side effects that can exacerbate certain conditions that will lead to death. The corporate media has the same interest in mind as other corporations and they all have tied together, their goals are to generate views and income. They don’t have your best interest in mind, if they did they would be honest about the facts.

Looking through some of the majority of the deaths of them are the elderly, which makes sense given their medical histories. The most vulnerable are going to have the most adverse effects. That is also most likely why they promote vaccination in the younger population, less health histories lead to less likelihood of adverse reactions.

Some news outlets are saying that the deaths are being misinterpreted because people aren’t dying directly from the vaccine but from other causes. This was the same case with covid 19 where people weren’t dying of covid but other complications, however, that was not being misinterpreted. 

To learn more about the Suez canal mishap and covid vaccine deaths, check out the full video here 👇


00:00 – Intro
00:26 – Topic introduction
01:45 – Fun Facts about Suez Canal
04:20 – What happens in the Suez Canal?
05:10 – The cost of freight delays
07:40 – China’s plans of making a new freight route
10:33 – We’re not Anti-anything!
12:00 – Deaths due to Covid vaccine
15:28 – List of Adverse Effects of Covid vaccines
16:50 – Number of vaccine-related deaths
24:40 – Fun Fact: Cereals
26:27 – The Nike Shoes
28:33 – We lost our values
33:10 – Male and Female differences
36:00 – Different People Push for Different Things
39:54 – Equality is a False God
44:16 – History is Knowledge
46:10 – Marketing doesn’t always have to be a product
49:00 – Pain is inevitable
50:26 – Covid vaccine passports
53:22 – How bad is covid that we need Covid Passports?
55:00 – We’re always changing
57:21 – All about profit
1:00:00 – Words are a form of hypnosis
1:02:00 – Science is beautiful
1:03:15 – Monocropping and artificial meat
1:06:31 – Wrapping up the show!


EP 106: Oncology Pediatrics with David Metzger

EP 106: Oncology Pediatrics with David Metzger

Oncology Pediatrics with David Metzger

Children can get sick, and that is normal. However, a child’s cancer diagnosis can be harrowing for the parents and other family members. Why do children get sick with cancer? Is it a genetic thing? Or is it happening more often than we think? 

Many things cause cancer, and if your child is diagnosed with it, how can you put their lives at ease? How can one deal with a sick child? 

In this episode, we would like to introduce you to our guest, David Metzger, a pediatric oncology nurse and father. He is the author of the upcoming book Nurse Papa: 16 Meditations From A Pediatric Oncology Nurse, exploring his role in caring for sick children while raising healthy kids. He is also the podcast host, also called Nurse Papa. 

Join us as we talk to David about oncology pediatrics, his book, and what’s it like being a nurse in this department. 

Questions We Asked:

  1. What do you do as a pediatric oncology nurse? 
  2. What is the biggest reward that you get working with oncology pediatrics?  
  3. What is one of the most significant challenges you face as a pediatric nurse?
  4. Do you think young kids understand what cancer is and the situation that they are in?
  5. How do you leave work behind taking care of ill children and transition into raising healthy kids as a parent?
  6. What have you learned on your journey of being a father, and what it takes to create a fruitful relationship with your kids?
  7. Can you share some of your favorite meditations from your book? 
  8. How do you create your work/life balance? 
  9. Is your experience different from being a male nurse working with pediatrics?

Catch more of David on Instagram at @nursepapathebook.com.

Book Available August 2021

Learn more about pediatric oncology in this episode. Click here for more 👇👇👇


00:00 Intro
00:10 Introduction of Guest
00:16 David Metzger
01:02 How is it working with Pedia and Oncology?
02:19 What is Pheresis?
04:32 Are kids aware that they have cancer?
06:07 Are kids with cancer aware that they will die?
07:43 How do you communicate or approach a child with cancer?
09:59 Were parents able to visit their sick children during the lockdown?
12:00 How do you transition from caring for sick kids to being a father?
17:15 Advice on how to separate work life from personal life
19:35 How do you deal with burnout?
22:31 Where were you in 1972?
26:28 The thing that people are most scared of when dying
28:58 Our body as vessels
29:28 About David’s book
30:03 Chapter Title: Meet Your Kids Where They Are, Not Where You Want Them to Be
30:36 A Patient Named Alberto
36:14 It’s OK to feel messed up sometimes
37:10 Being a Male Nurse
42:42 Stories are the best way to communicate with kids
43:54 How do you find work-life balance?
45:00 We’re forever changing beings
47:00 You can’t fix everybody
47:48 Why did you choose the word Meditating?
49:15 Being Present
49:35 How to have a fruitful relationship with your kids
53:26 Is the firstborn child an “experiment”?
55:05 Where to find David?
56:20 A word for all Nursing Students
57:14 End of Show