EP 189: Nurse-on-Nurse Violence and Communication

EP 189: Nurse-on-Nurse Violence and Communication

Nurse-on-Nurse Violence and Communication

Nurse-on-nurse violence is a serious issue that’s happening all over the world. An average of two nurses every hour experience being abused in their workplace. And many don’t even file reports about it. 

When we say violence, the first thing that comes to our mind is physical assault but that’s not the only form of violence. In fact, violence also happens in the place of work. OSHA or Occupational Safety Health Administration defines workplace violence as 

“Any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site. It ranges from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and even homicide. It can affect and involve employees, clients, customers, and visitors. ” 

In the United States, acts of violence and other injuries are the third-leading causes of fatal occupational injuries. And for nurses, this is sometimes the reality that we face.

How can we avoid this? How can we stop nurse-on-nurse violence? And what can we do in case acts of violence occur in our workplace? 

Our Guest

In this episode, we would like to introduce you to Phil La Duke. Phil is currently employed as a writer, and board member on over ten medical research oversight boards.

We talk about workplace violence and the importance of communication and emotional de-escalation.  


The questions below are some we’d like to tackle. We often go off-topic, so we don’t expect to hit them all. If you have any ideas, please let us know.

Looking forward to our conversation!

These are the questions you had in Calendly. We’ll go off your questions and wherever else our conversation goes.

  1. Share with us your background and experience.
  2. Working with worker safety, what are the most common safety issues or injuries?
    • Where are all the fallouts that cause these to happen?
  3. What made you get into safety?
  4. What are the biggest safety issues in hospitals or in healthcare facilities? 
  5. A survey from Beckers Hospital revealed that 92% of healthcare workers have experienced or witnessed violence from a patient or their caregiver.  
    • How can we combat that?
  6. What does it mean to be part of a medical research board?
  7. What made you start writing books?


Before we end the show, we have one last question we like to ask all our guests.

If you had the opportunity to have a Cup of coffee with anybody one last time, who would it be & why? 

Do you want to know how we can resolve nurse-on-nurse violence? Click here for the full episode 👇👇👇


00:00 Introduction
01:21 About Phil La Duke
05:09 How Phil started working in healthcare
07:44 The Just Culture
09:50 Risk-taking decisions
11:26 How Phil came about to workplace violence
16:47 The weird life of Phil La Duke
21:17 Common workplace violence in a hospital
38:00 Interventions to avoid workplace violence
59:31 How to Deescalate
01:17:54 Wrapping up the show

EP 187: The Opportunities Nursing Brings with Britt Greaves

EP 187: The Opportunities Nursing Brings with Britt Greaves

The Opportunities Nursing Brings with Britt Greaves

The opportunities nursing brings are endless. Nursing, as a profession, offers plenty of chances for better careers and many nursing fields that you can pursue.

And while this opens many possibilities to nurses, many are also hesitant to change career fields. There’s that feeling that they cannot do other things than the ones they already know. But this is not true, as nurses, we have the skills to survive anything.

We have the power to choose. Remember that. If you are unhappy with work, it’s time to make room for changes.

Explore new places, try different nursing units, pursue the nursing field of your dreams – take hold of your career and embrace the opportunities we’re given.

Let’s start today. 

Our Guest

In this episode, we would like to introduce you to Britt Greaves. Britt Greaves is a nurse who worked in specialties such as Hospice/Palliative Care, and ICU, and traveled for over  5 years in the PICU.

When she isn’t working, you can find her blogging, volunteering on international medical mission trips, or advocating for mental health in the nursing community through her founded safe space, The Debrief.

Transitioning from the bedside, Britt is the Community Manager at Trusted Health, where she now advocates for the health of the nursing community. 

We discuss the importance of speaking about your feelings, how to heal, and the debrief. 


The questions below are some we’d like to tackle. We go off-topic all the time so we don’t expect to hit them all. If you have any ideas please let us know. Looking forward to our conversation!

  1. How has your nursing journey been?
    • You’ve worked in a handful of specialties as a staff and then as a travel nurse to now focusing on projects away from the bedside. How did you slowly transition away from staff to travel?
  2. Is there a time you can recall in or out of nursing that really opened up your mind to mindfulness and mental health?
    • Can you talk to us about how you began incorporating mindfulness into your life and how it has helped you?
    • Meditation, what kind do you do?
  3. What were the darkest depths you have experienced as a traveler to rediscover yourself? 
  4. Chakras and sound healing, how did you get into it? And how does it help you?
    • What were you struggling with that turned you to these practices?
  5. What is the Debrief?
  6. How did you get involved with trusted and what is trusted? 


Before we end the show, we have one last question we like to ask all our guests. If you had the opportunity to have a Cup of coffee with anybody one last time, who would it be & why? 

Catch more of Britt on her Instagram account at @catchbrittifyoucan or visit her at  https://events.trustedhealth.com/ for more. 

You can learn more about the opportunities nursing brings by watching the full episode here 👇👇


00:00 Introduction
02:02 About Brit Greaves
02:43 Exploring other fields of healthcare
05:56 The benefits of travel nursing
07:30 The reasons for leaving the bedside
09:16 The challenges outside of nursing
10:42 Nursing attributes that help through life
13:03 Healing yourself, meditation, and sound healing
20:12 About The Debrief
22:19 Selfcare in nursing and gratitude
27:24 Why is it hard for nurses to take time off?
34:42 Talking about TravCon
35:43 Goals for the travel nursing community
38:28 Opportunities as a travel nurse
40:43 End remarks

EP 186: Solving Problems in Leadership with Michelle Troseth and Dr. Tracy Christopherson

EP 186: Solving Problems in Leadership with Michelle Troseth and Dr. Tracy Christopherson

Solving Problems in Leadership with Michelle Troseth and Dr. Tracy Christopherson

Solving problems in leadership is the key to easing the burden of many nurses and healthcare professionals. Burnout is an ongoing issue that many nurses are experiencing. The sad thing is it can happen to anyone’s career.

Long-term stress can cause anyone mental and physical exhaustion. And for the nursing profession, burnout results from their demanding job, nursing shortages, and frequent exposure to human suffering. 

Nurses are witnesses to death and grieving families each day. Add the long work hours, complex patients, workplace drama, and not having effective support or leadership in the workplace can lead to intense burnout.

When you are burnout, you feel helpless, but if you know how to manage it, you can enjoy a successful nursing career. But the question remains, how can we help our healthcare leaders? Is there a way to solve problems in leadership?

Our Guests

In this episode, we would like to introduce you to Michelle Troseth and Dr. Tracy Christopherson, co-founders of MissingLogic. They have more than 60 years of combined healthcare experience.

They also help healthcare organizations and healthcare leaders combat burnout and improve satisfaction through the power of a framework-driven approach founded on Polarity Intelligence.

We talk about how the idea of a single solution to a single problem approach does not always fit the healthcare model and how polarity plays a role in leadership and healthcare dynamics. 


The questions below are some we’d like to tackle. We often go off-topic, so we don’t expect to hit them all. If you have any ideas, please let us know.

Looking forward to our conversation!

These are the questions you had in Calendly. We’ll go off your questions and wherever else our conversation goes. 

  1. Can you give us your nursing experience & background
  2. Based on your experience, speak to us about leadership in healthcare 
    • Why do we need new leadership norms in healthcare?
  3. What are some toxic workplace behaviors/environments that lead to burnout?
  4. What is Polarity intelligence? 
    • How does it benefit hospital organizations and nurse leaders?
    • How do you identify tension in the workplace?

5. How do you guys go about consulting organizations in healthcare?

      • What are the three pillars of a healthy healthcare organization?
        • People, Processes, and Performance. 

6. How do you create dynamic balance in our lives – professionally and personally?


Before we end the show, we have one last question we like to ask all our guests. If you had the opportunity to have a Cup of coffee with anybody one last time, who would it be & why? 

Catch up with Michelle and Dr. Tracy to learn more about solving problems in leadership on their Instagram at @missinglogic_llc and follow them on their Facebook at Missing Logic, LLC. You can also connect with them through their LinkedIn profile at missinglogicllc for more information.

Let’s learn the ways to solve problems in leadership by watching the full episode here 👇



00:00 Introduction
02:00 About Michelle and Tracy
05:46 Importance of healthy leadership in healthcare
09:17 Stressors for nurse managers
12:34 Toxic behavior that leads to burnout
17:23 Polarity Intelligence
21:19 Margins and the mission
24:43 Challenges in union vs nonunion hospital
30:18 Is more nurses ever the solution?
36:21 How healthcare organizations solve problems
37:46 Unit satisfaction and culture
42:31 Characteristics of good leaders
50:22 End Remarks

Ep. 180: How Your Mindset Affects Your Life with Gary Clinton

Ep. 180: How Your Mindset Affects Your Life with Gary Clinton

How Your Mindset Affects Your Life with Gary Clinton

Your mindset affects your life in ways you don’t even expect. The truth is that many factors could affect our mental health.

It could be stress, frustrations, or pent-up emotions that we cannot express. It could also be pressure at work, studies, or it could also be the way you think. We tend to put pressure on ourselves.

And when we can’t fight these, it will indeed affect us. It is also the reason why many of us suffer from depression and anxiety. 

But is there a way to combat these mental health issues? How can we keep a healthy mind? And most importantly, how can your mindset affect your health and life in general?

In this episode, we would like to introduce you to Gary Clinton. Gary Clinton is a mental health enthusiast passionate about mental health, dreams, nutrition, fitness, and creating a ripple effect on this earth to change human consciousness. 

He will help us understand how our mindset affects our life

We talk about the philosophy of life and how Gary overcame depression to become the person he is today.


The questions below are some we’d like to tackle. We go off-topic, so we don’t expect to hit them all. If you have any ideas, please let us know. We are looking forward to our conversation!

These are the questions you had in Calendly. We’ll go off your questions and wherever else our conversation goes.


You told us that you lost your father. How did you cope with a death of a loved one? How did it affect your childhood?

  1. What were you trying to emotionally escape from? How did you deal with depression?
  2. What is the value of talking to someone?
  3. How do you clean up the mind?
  4. What are non-negotiable habits? And how important are they?
  5. How do you describe life and suffering in a metaphor?
  6. Any words of wisdom for people suffering from depression?
  7. How do we overcome suffering?


Before we end the show, we have one last question we like to ask all our guests.

If you had the opportunity to have a Cup of coffee with anybody one last time, who would it be & why? 

To learn more about how our mindset works and mental health, check out Gary on Instagram @mentalhealthhelp.ie for more helpful lessons and tips that you can use in life.

Learn more about your mindset by watching this full episode. Click here for the best advice! 👇


00:00 Introduction
01:38 About Gary Clinton
05:58 How acceptance molds our future
07:57 Coping with the loss of a father and Healing Childhood
11:13 Escaping emotions and dealing with depression
14:48 Value of talking to someone
18:13 Goals, Dreams, and going through change
21:36 Shifting perspective
25:39 Tools to keep you on track
27:33 Cleaning up the mind
32:43 The non-negotiable habits
40:18 Metaphors for life and suffering
58:19 Wrapping up the episode

EP 179: Healing Healthcare With Annette Tersigni

EP 179: Healing Healthcare With Annette Tersigni

Healing Healthcare With Annette Tersigni

Healing healthcare should be our number one priority. And as nurses, our health matters the most. We must take care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. While eating right and doing exercises is a must, it is also essential to take time to breathe and prepare your mind for the tasks ahead. 

Remember, our daily lives as healthcare professionals can be grueling, and our patients rely on us. We cannot serve others if we don’t serve ourselves first.

It is why learning to take care of our mind and body plays a vital role in our everyday lives.

How can you do this? Is there a trick to being “superhuman”? Of course not, but the good news is that there are plenty of ways to do them. 

In this episode, we would like to introduce you to Annette Tersigni. Annette is a former Hollywood actor, and Cover Girl turned nurse healer and wellness crusader.

She is the founder of YogaNurse® and YogaNursing, a new movement in health care, nursing, and yoga.

For 25 years, she has motivated thousands of nurses, patients, and students to live more enlightened, healthful, and spiritual lifestyles. 

We talk about how nurses handle trauma and the powers of mindfulness and wellness. 


The questions below are some we’d like to tackle. We go off-topic, so we don’t expect to hit them all. If you have any ideas, please let us know. Looking forward to our conversation!

These are the questions you had in calendly. We’ll go off your questions and wherever else our conversation goes.

  1. When did you decide to merge nursing and yoga practices, and what inspired you?
  2. How has Yoga helped you professionally and personally?
  3. Tell us more about your teaching and how your training differs from other yoga styles.
  4. How can yoga help nurses in both their personal and professional lives?
  5. Tell us more about the YogaNurse Model of Care as an adjunct therapy in patient care.
  6. How would you describe nursing leaders’ desire to support nurses’ role in contributing to yoga and nursing as a successful holistic modality?
  7. Please share your landmark news about the “Yoga Teacher Training. Exclusively for Nurses!”


Before we end the show, we have one last question we like to ask all our guests. If you had the opportunity to have a Cup of coffee with anybody one last time, who would it be & why? 

You can find Annette on Instagram at @yoganursefounder or visit her website  https://www.yoganurse.com/ or be part of her yoga academy and training https://yoganurseacademy.com/the-yoganursing-essentials-training/.

Let’s learn how we can take care of our health as nurses by watching the full episode here 👇


00:00 Introduction
01:52 About the guest
05:36 How did you get into nursing?
09:24 Nurses are the most trusted profession
10:09 How do you view consciousness?
11:39 All illness starts in the immaterial world
14:17 Changing the nursing conscious
15:03 How do you change trauma and heal healthcare
20:11 How do you heal the nursing consciousness?
22:11 Becoming the healer: 3 sacred remedies
26:54 Where to start awakening your consciousness
29:38 How to find your internal voice
31:56 The gap between our thoughts
35:31 How do you heal the inner child
40:08 Looping in the victim mentality
43:25 Wrapping up the episode